What are our goals?

What are our goals?

Project activities will contribute to strengthening the effectiveness of prosecution across the whole chain of criminal justice by optimising the workload, improving prosecutors’ specialisation, creating tools for a better control of the supervision of ongoing pre-trial investigations, as well as strengthening the administrative and management capacity of the Prosecution Service, which will ultimately improve cooperation among criminal justice administrators and the public trust in the Prosecution Service.

Project activities will also contribute to the improvement and optimisation of the Prosecution Service infrastructure, which in turn will significantly help to ensure more efficient and effective criminal proceedings.

It is expected that the Project will make a positive impact on the entire scope of the programme and will provide the basis for further cooperation between Lithuania and Norway in the future.

Why do we do this?

In today’s world, forms of crime are rapidly transforming due to the use of modern technologies to commit crimes, and new ways of committing conventional crimes are devised. Even with the development of new crime prevention techniques, criminals are able to adapt to them, thus complicating the work of authorities administering criminal justice. This is one of the changes which the Prosecution Service has to adapt to and manage them in a timely manner, responding appropriately to the changing social environment.

In this modern and informational era, the role and functions of the prosecutor are even more important and complex. People in general are more educated, better aware of their rights and therefore have high expectations from Prosecution Service. Criminal prosecution policies must therefore meet standards of fairness, transparency, consistency, accountability and effectiveness when conducting prosecution strictly in accordance with the law, while maintaining the society’s trust in the prosecution authorities.